Whats New 2025
m-COMPS for 2025
General Announcements...
- Added missing textures to many components.
- Added Styrofoam and rope textures to the Life Preserver and the Buoy in the Nautical sub-group.
New Enhancements...
Curb Model of a concrete curb. |
Basket Model of wire basket thats common hung off the side of existing merchandisers. |
Various Spigots A collection of common conceptual use spigots. |
Suction Cup Basket A commom merchandising coupon basket with suction cups. |
Suction Cup Basket Short A commom merchandising coupon basket with suction cups. |
Suction Cup Brochure Holder A commom merchandising coupon basket with suction cups. |
Bucket A commom merchandising acrylic side hanging bucket |
Crate_Stackable A commom merchandising wood crate that can be stacked. |
Crate with Signs A commom merchandising wood crate that can be stacked. Also for signs on each side. |
Hollywood Stand A commom merchandising cardboard tube and metal legs used for pole toppers and more common signage. |
Door Lock A commom merchandising lock used for lock boxes on displays or any other smaller items. Also includes the key and ring. |
SheetMetal Box A rectangular sheet metal box and lid that is riveted together. Has hangle and latch included. |