m-3DP (FREE)
IRONCAD and INOVATE catalog exclusively developed by Magnacad, LLC.
This catalog provides various tools and components to help support your 3D printing needs. Included are sub-group folders for various 3D printers we sell and support such as Raise3D and ZYYX Labs. Also, get all your 3D printing news and utilities included in this catalog.
- Included in your download is a folder entitled "VIDEOS" which contains videos and animated gifs of tools that may require more specific explaination.
- Included in your download is a folder entitled "Factory Files" which contains Simplify3D factory files associated with some of the printable componenets.
UPDATED: Mag-Libs Magna-Catalogs are now called "Mag-Libs" (short for Libraries). So you updated the icon. |
Mag-Libs Shop This new shop link is for Non-Magnacad customers or expired Magnacad customers not on an active IronCAD support plan, and wish to purchase Mag-Libs as needed. |
INOVATE 3D CAD software designed for makers and hobbists to 3d design with the greatest of ease and the most power with frag and drop technologies. |
CAD Software This new shop link to our current CAD software offerings to help your 3D printing experience. |
ZYYX™ 3D printer specific.
Components that help you with your ZYYX™ 3D printer integration.
DnD-Shipping Instructions Download. |
Drag into scene to download the shipping instructions for your ZYYX 3D printer in the event you need to sent for maintenance. |
Maintenance Nozzle Clean |
A web link directly to to our page where you can download and get instructions for cleaning your ZYYX 3D printer. |
ZYXX+ Buildplate Surface |
Simply drag-n-drop into your scene and get an accurate 1:1 scale model of the ZYYX+ Buildplate. Great to design your parts directly on the buildplate to help gauge your designs size for 3D printing. |
ZYYX+ Build Volume |
Simply drag-n-drop directly onto the "ZYXX+ Buildplate Surface" already in your scene and it with automatically place the a Build Volume ghosted block. This will help you to design your parts to see if they will exceed the build volume. This is a 1:1 scale model of the ZYYX+ Build Volume specs. Great to design your parts directly on the buildplate to help gauge your designs size for 3D printing. |
ZYYX_hold_top_cover and ZYYX_safeguard v1 |
Parts needed to ship your 3D printer. These are 3d printable in case your lost the original items that came with your printer. |
Raise3D™ 3D printer specific.
Components that help you with your Raise3D™ 3D printer integration.
Raise3D Community. |
A web link directly to the community forum to get any answers to your questions realating to your Raise3D products. |
Raise3D Pro2 Buildplate Surface. |
Simply drag-n-drop into your scene and get an accurate 1:1 scale model of the Raise3D Pro2 Buildplate. Great to design your parts directly on the buildplate to help gauge your designs size for 3D printing. |
Raise3D Pro2 Build Volume. |
Simply drag-n-drop directly onto the "Raise3D Pro2 Buildplate" already in your scene and it with automatically place the a Build Volume ghosted block. This will help you to design your parts to see if they will exceed the build volume. This is a 1:1 scale model of the Raise3D Pro2 Build Volume specs. Great to design your parts directly on the buildplate to help gauge your designs size for 3D printing. |
Simplify3D Launch |
If your application does not launch when you drag into scene, this means you need to redirect the code to where your slicer's executable file is located. Find the directory where your *.exe file is located and copy the address.