
Educational Media and Solutions

Showing all 4 results

  • IRONCAD Advanced Training Course

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Learn how to make the most of the power of IronCAD you have at your fingertips. Easy to watch individual training segments.

    • Learn to make SmartModels with parameters.
    • Learn to create magnetic snapping catalogs.
    • Learn to add pricing information to use models for quoting and sales.
    • Learn to constrain parts together.
    • Learn the different types of parameters and how to apply them.
    • Learn design variations to toggle between different versions of the same model.

    Learn More…

  • IronCAD Virtual Training

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Because of its effectiveness, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness, our IronCAD™ Virtual Training solutions are implemented by many small to large companies.

    Today, companies depend on highly skilled employees. Magnacad’s virtual classrooms add a new alternative to education by eliminating all the wasteful costs traditionally associated with sending staff to off-site training providers. Participants experience a new level of engagement in a visually appealing and interactive online environment. Because students can study live with an online instructor, or when it fits their schedule, the result is a more confident and highly skilled workforce.

    Rich Interactive Experience. Virtual classrooms are powered by state-of-the-art web conferencing solutions that provide a rich set of educational engagement tools for enhanced student comprehension.

    Focused Learning. Our virtual classrooms offer the easiest way to online training possible. Students learn within a few minutes of their first session how to navigate the controls. Students can focus on learning and not the burden of traveling, forgetting materials, being late, and missing lectures.

    The cost is per hour.

  • IRONCAD Self-Paced Training Media

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The self-paced training program is a video training course where users can watch the video and then follow through using the product. The goal is to take users from a complete novice to a competent user in just 4 days. The system comes pre-packaged for customers on a write-protected and branded USB drive.

    First Day FREE!

    as a primer, we offer the first day of training from this media to you for FREE! It is web-based and therefore can be accessed anytime or anywhere with an internet connection. Get a hard start on your productivity increase and skill enhancement.


    4-Day Syllabus

  • IronCAD Night Owl

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Today, companies and self-employed engineers depend on highly skilled technological prowess. Magnacad’s Night Owl program adds a unique alternative to education by eliminating all the wasteful costs traditionally associated with attending off-site training providers. Participants experience a new level of engagement in a visually appealing and interactive on-line environment. Because students can study live with an online instructor, or when it fits their schedule, the result is a more confident and highly skilled workforce.
    Magnacad has instituted the “Night Owl Training Program” specifically designed for our IronCAD clientele who are either new or seasoned users. These Night Owl sessions are evening-based training classes.
    Time Slots.
    The courses are structured into evening courses and slots are available Monday thru Thursday starting at 6:30pmEST. Night Owl Sessions are divided into 1-hour slots and customers can attend up to 3 slots a night maximum.
    All night owl training is FREE to currently unemployed engineering professionals and US military vets both active and retired.

    The cost is per hour.